They are switchgear and control unit-based panel groups that receive power directly from the primary electrical power source and are intended to distribute and regulate electrical energy to consumers.

  • Form 2 Panel : The dams and switch gears inside are separated from each other. Form 2 is divided into two as busbar unit and control unit.
  • Form 2A Panel : Separation of busbars from duty units, terminals are not separated from busbars.
  • Form 2B Panel : Separation of the busbars from the duty unit, the terminals are separated from the busbars.

  • Form 3A Panel : The external conductor terminals and the supply terminals of the functional units are joined together.
  • Form 3B Panel : The external conductor terminals and the supply terminals of the functional units are separated from one another

  • Form 4A Panel : The external conductor terminals and the supply terminals of the functional units are inseparable. Terminals for external conductors are divided among themselves.
  • Form 4B Panel : The external conductor terminals and the supply terminals of the functional units are separated from one another. Terminals for external conductors are divided among themselves.
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